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Poetry Submissions will be considered either for our quarterly issues here, or for the rolling in-between issue publications on our blog. If you have a preference for where you want to be published, please state so in your submission.


Our Mission:


We like grit, edginess, humor, philosophy, mythology, dreams, delusions, fun with language.


What’s most important to us the merit of your work. We don’t care what your gender, race or sexuality is, what your political beliefs are, where you went to school or what degrees you hold – all we care about is the quality of the work that you submit to us.


Being a Berlin-based magazine, we do have a slight bias toward Berlin-related topics and settings, but are open to work wherever it’s from, as long as it’s great.


Poets we like:


Sylvia Plath, Tomas Tranströmer, Federico Lorca, Charles Bukowski, Horace, Sappho, Li Bai, Du Fu, Ezra Pound, E.E. Cummings, Georg Trakl, Shakespeare, W.B. Yeats, Anne Sexton


Send us poems we can FEEL.


“Since feeling is first/who pays any attention/to the syntax of things/will never wholly kiss you.” — E.E. Cummings


We tend to prefer free-verse to rhyming poetry, and where clichés are concerned – terms like ‘my heart skipped a beat,’ or ‘I ran like the wind,’ or anything that sounds like it was culled from a Bon Jovi song – send those to someone else. What we want is originality, profundity. We want to see you’re having fun with the language.


“Say it with missiles then and thus arabesque the page. You have your cup of scalding Souchong, your taper’s waxen drop, your cat’s paw, the clove or coffinnail you chewed or champed as you worded it, your lark in the clear air. So why, pray, sign anything as long as every word, letter, penstroke, paperspace is a perfect signature of its own?” — Joyce (Finnegans Wake)


We are not interested in the following genres: horror, fantasy, pornography or religious, and as for political poems, we stand by Herr Goethe when he says: “If a poet would work politically, he must give himself up to a party; and as soon as he does that, he is lost as a poet – he must bid farewell to his free spirit, his unbiased view, and draw over his ears the cap of bigotry and blind hatred.”




1-3 poems (3 poems will improve your chances)


Simultaneous submissions okay as long as you notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere).


No previously published poems.


Response time: we hope no longer than 3 months, it just depends on how innundated we are. If it’s been longer than 3 months, feel free to contact us.



Paste your submission in the body of the email and type ‘Poetry Submission’ in the subject line. Short bios (max 50 words) are welcome if you want it to go along with your work.


Submit here:


We are unfortunately a non-paying journal at this time. Hopefully that will change in the future.


All rights revert to the author upon publication.




We are not interested in Children’s, YA or Horror fiction, but are open to all other types.


1500 words max.


No previously published fiction.


Response time: we hope no longer than 3 months, it just depends on how innundated we are. If it’s been longer than 3 months, feel free to contact us.


Please submit only once per issue.


Paste your submission in the body of the email and type ‘Fiction Submission’ in the subject line. Short bios (50 words max) are welcome if you want it to go along with your work.


Submit here:


We are unfortunately a non-paying journal at this time. Hopefully that will change in the future.


All rights revert to the author upon publication.




We publish memoirs, essays on art and literature, travel essays, journalism, opinion pieces and biographies.


1500 words max.


No previously published nonfiction.


Response time: we hope no longer than 3 months, it just depends on how innundated we are. If it’s been longer than 3 months, feel free to contact us.


Please submit only once per issue.


Paste your submission in the body of the email and type ‘Nonfiction Submission’ in the subject line. Short bios (50 words max) are welcome if you want it to go along with your work.


Submit here:


We are unfortunately a non-paying journal at this time. Hopefully that will change in the future.


All rights revert to the author upon publication.

©2020 by 11 Mag Berlin. Proudly created with

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